Plants for the future’s perspective on sustainable agriculture
Press release
The European Technology Platform ‘Plants for the Future’ publishes its recommendations for Research and Innovation to meet the EU Green Deal goals for transitioning to more sustainable agricultural systems
BRUSSELS 7th DECEMBER 2021 – The European Technology Platform ‘Plants for the Future’ (Plant ETP) considers an EU-wide transition to more sustainable and innovative agriculture systems urgent. To actively contribute to this transition, the Plant ETP established a working group on Sustainable Agriculture with experts from academia, the seed and breeding industry, agricultural service providers, and the farming community. The working group considered the short and longer term challenges and opportunities of the agricultural value chains holistically, and used this to develop a vision for future systems spanning food, feed and biobased raw materials. Strategic direction and recommendations of essential research and innovation are presented here for the benefit of policymakers, research funding providers, practitioners, and innovators throughout agricultural value chains.