Plant ETP’s WG on SA releases its Policy Brief on Enabling R&I for Biological Solutions

Policy Brief

18th March 2024

Plants for the Future ETP’s Working Group on Sustainable Agriculture releases its Policy Brief: “Paving the Way Towards and Innovation-Friendly Environment in the EU – A case Study on Enabling R&I for Biological Solutions”

The Policy Brief delves into the challenges confronting biological solutions within the EU agricultural framework, despite their potential as low-risk alternatives to chemical plant protection solutions. It underlines the disparities between EU implementation regulations and overarching policy objectives, especially regarding the approval processes for these innovative solutions.

Aligned with the EU Green Deal’s Farm to Fork Strategy, which aims to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 2030, the Policy Brief underscores the promotion of low-risk plant protection solutions like biologicals. However, obstacles such as limited understanding of their mode of action and lengthy approval procedures, lasting up to a decade, hinder their widespread adoption.

The Policy Brief presents strategic recommendations to expedite approval processes and cultivate an environment conducive to innovation in the EU. Notable highlights include:

  • Short term:
    • Prioritising Evaluation: Establishing priorities for evaluating biological active substances to expedite market access.
    • Deploying Dedicated Experts: Forming an EU-wide group of biologicals experts to ensure a standardised, science-based approach.
    • Facilitating Training and Knowledge Transfer: Providing training initiatives to enhance understanding among stakeholders, including farmers, advisors, and regulators.
  • Mid and long term:
    • Establishing Innovation Centers: Creating decentralised Innovation Centers of Excellence (iCoE) to foster collaboration and attract innovators.
Image News Item Biologicals

Find the press release here.

The full policy brief can be found here.