Join the International “Fascination of Plants Day” on May 18, 2022


The fascinating world of plants will be once more in the spotlight thanks to the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO), which invites you to celebrate the sixth Fascination of Plants Day on and around May 18th 2022. For this purpose, scientific institutions, universities, botanical gardens and museums, together with schools, farmers and companies will offer a variety of plant-based interactive events and activities for all interested people from toddlers to grandparents.
The Fascination of Plants Day (FoPD) was first launched in 2012, followed by FoPDs from 2013 to 2019 at which over 860 events were organised in over 51 countries world-wide, attracting many thousand visitors. This coordinated activity aims to plant virtual and constantly germinating seeds in the collective mind of people, recalling that plant science is of critical significance to social, environmental and economic issues on our Earth today and in future.
Join in and offer activities at your or other facilities or participate as a visitor! All information about this initiative can be accessed at and is supported by a network of national coordinators who voluntarily promote and disseminate the activities within their countries.

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